Puru’s Art Class - Blog Post #1
Hello o/
I neglected my website blog because I was posting a lot of stuff in my Discord. But, I recently decided it would be best if I make my blog posts here so here we are~
For the first post I’m going to share everything I posted in my Discord blogs.
Main Characters of Puru’s Art Class
I put off making this game for a long time because I didn't trust in my ability to teach art. Despite what some people think, teaching is a skill. I've been trying all sorts of ways to get funding. Not only to pay myself and the people I'm working with, but to hire more professionals who I can consult to make sure this game is actually teaching something. It's been hard trying to get funding, so the cheapest thing I can do right now is start teaching myself. So I'm getting a few books, one for teaching ages 8-12. the target audience. the other is for children with special needs, so they don't need another program, special needs will be baked into this game. and another resource that focuses on teaching a diverse curriculum.
And that’s all for now folks
Thanks for reading
GG o7